
How to make customers choose you? blog paul halme May 08, 2024

How do you become the go-to person/business in your area? 

There’s too much noise online right now that people get overwhelmed…

A lot of ‘gurus’ and self-proclaimed number 1's are out there right now; people no longer know who to listen to anymore. 

Yes, the...

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Reality Check ⬅️⬅️⬅️ blog paul halme May 01, 2024

Too many people spend money they buy things they don't impress people that they don't like.

This can be a little slap in the face.
Don't take it personally.

Stick with me and think about what you're doing because it's your habits and your plan (or lack of it) that's causing...

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You DO YOU! blog paul halme Apr 24, 2024


What are you really good at?

What are you best known for?

It's so easy to get caught up in seeing someone have a good ad or a good photo and you're like, "You know what? I'm going to make that exact same ad or that same photo," but it's not you, it doesn't resonate.
You might be...

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Profits over gross! blog paul halme Apr 10, 2024

Profits over gross.
I'm going to keep saying this until basically I can't talk anymore.
Profits over gross!

 I'm going to ask you this same question I asked earlier this year:

What's your profit margin? This question just changes the game. 


I don't give a damn...

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The growth pillar... amy magers blog Apr 01, 2024

We previously talked about whether you have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model...

And this video specifically talks about the growth pillar.
There are four teams that make it up.

The first one is

Acquisition and marketing

I'm going to start with accountability....

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How do you operate at your highest level? amy magers blog Mar 20, 2024

When I went to Craig Ballentyne's Perfect Life Workshop, I really thought everything we’d learn there would be about ads, or getting leads, or marketing or whatever because that's what these guys do.

But I left that day with information about how to be healthier physically and how...

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Are you the number one choice in your town? blog paul halme Mar 13, 2024
When people are looking for a martial arts gym or whatever business you run, are you the one they see all the time?
Are you the one they see at the top of Google search?
Are you the one they see on Google Maps?
Are you the one they see on Google Local?
Are you the one they see on...
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How do I know if I have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model? amy magers blog Mar 06, 2024

Do you have staff right now?
Answer this question, 

"How do I know if I have one, objective based or personnel based?"

If you've ever said any one of these questions:
"If Mark left us, we'd be screwed."
"How can I ever replace Jen? That Jen, she's my right hand. I need her.

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