
The growth pillar... amy magers blog Apr 01, 2024

We previously talked about whether you have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model...

And this video specifically talks about the growth pillar.
There are four teams that make it up.

The first one is

Acquisition and marketing

I'm going to start with accountability....

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How do I know if I have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model? amy magers blog Mar 06, 2024

Do you have staff right now?
Answer this question, 

"How do I know if I have one, objective based or personnel based?"

If you've ever said any one of these questions:
"If Mark left us, we'd be screwed."
"How can I ever replace Jen? That Jen, she's my right hand. I need her.

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So much to do, so little time? amy magers blog Jan 10, 2024

How do you plan to have an effective, efficient, productive day tomorrow?

I will share a really quick strategy I’ve been doing for some time now.

Now the official rule on this is, do not make a big deal out of this.

Don't go and get a notebook.

Don't go and get some special journal.


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ON the mat, OFF the mat amy magers blog Dec 22, 2021

In your academy, you have two main areas of responsibility.

Everything that happens ON the mat

Everything that happens OFF the mat

Most people get into the business of owning a martial arts academy because they LOVE being on the mat. 

Nobody says, “I really love setting appointments,...

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The busiest shopping days of the year! amy magers blog Nov 09, 2021

$789 billion - that’s how much holiday spending the US had last year!*

The busiest shopping days are upon us but it’s important to remember this - 

people are spending their hard-earned money for value!

So what valuable offer do you have for your students/community this year?


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If you haven’t launched anything for Black Friday yet, you’re not too late.. amy magers blog Oct 26, 2021

Every year, Black Friday sales start creeping earlier and earlier. 

But if you haven’t launched anything yet, you’re not too late.. Not yet. 

You can still get in front of the larger online retailers if you launch by the beginning of next week. 

Can’t get anything...

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Fighting Overwhelm amy magers blog Sep 14, 2021

Being a martial arts business owner is challenging but as long as you have systems and processes in place, you're going to be fine.

If you are reading this, 'Go and schedule some 'you' time today!'

If this seems unrealistic, we should talk.

What you can start doing NOW to fight overwhelm:

  1. Start...
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3 winning thoughts of the week amy magers blog Aug 11, 2021

What gets celebrated gets replicated
Celebrate every milestone...
Every step in the right direction.
Every single one of those is a win.

I didn’t come this far to only come this far.

Don’t ever be ashamed to be in the middle of your journey, as long as you’re committed to seeing it...

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