
β€œDon’t trust your gut.” amy magers blog Jun 05, 2024

A lot of people will say, "Oh, my gut says my gym's doing really well."
"My gut says my academy's growing."
Worse, here's my husband's move.
"My gut says our academy's doing terribly," because our guts lie to us all the time.

They lie to us constantly.
For a lot of these external types of...

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The growth pillar... amy magers blog Apr 01, 2024

We previously talked about whether you have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model...

And this video specifically talks about the growth pillar.
There are four teams that make it up.

The first one is

Acquisition and marketing

I'm going to start with accountability....

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How do I know if I have an objective based staffing model or a personnel based staffing model? amy magers blog Mar 06, 2024

Do you have staff right now?
Answer this question, 

"How do I know if I have one, objective based or personnel based?"

If you've ever said any one of these questions:
"If Mark left us, we'd be screwed."
"How can I ever replace Jen? That Jen, she's my right hand. I need her.

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So much to do, so little time? amy magers blog Jan 10, 2024

How do you plan to have an effective, efficient, productive day tomorrow?

I will share a really quick strategy I’ve been doing for some time now.

Now the official rule on this is, do not make a big deal out of this.

Don't go and get a notebook.

Don't go and get some special journal.


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3 winning thoughts of the week amy magers blog Aug 11, 2021

What gets celebrated gets replicated
Celebrate every milestone...
Every step in the right direction.
Every single one of those is a win.

I didn’t come this far to only come this far.

Don’t ever be ashamed to be in the middle of your journey, as long as you’re committed to seeing it...

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Blogging is not dead! amy magers blog Mar 16, 2021

I know we talked about blogging.
Blogging is another thing ...
I'm sure a lot of people don't like to hear about blogging because they're like, "Okay, 2016".

Blogging is not dead, it's just not, because it's another thing like YouTube that lives forever!

We refer to our blogs or we refer to...

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Create the Roadmap to a Successful 2021 With This Year End Exercise! amy magers blog Nov 30, 2020
Original publish date: December 27, 2017

The holidays are coming and as an entrepreneur, the week between Christmas and New Years is my favorite week of the year. It’s often the only time of year when martial arts school owners have a little extra time away from the normal hustle and grind...

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What's next for us Martial Arts school owners? 🀷 amy magers blog Aug 21, 2020

For the first few months of this pandemic, we always just thought, "Oh, we'll just get through it." And everybody was like,"Oh yeah, no big deal. We'll just wait it out. It'll be all right. We'll get this loan. We'll get this grant. And then we'll be fine."
But that money has been here.

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