
What sets your school apart from everybody else? amy magers blog Apr 16, 2021

What's your unique selling proposition?
What would make me choose you over them?
What sets you apart from everybody else?
Hint: cat videos don't count.
What sets you apart from everybody doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu videos?

One of the reasons I believe why no one has blown up on TikTok in Brazilian...

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Do not downplay this! alan belcher blog Mar 30, 2021

Get in the habit and the discipline of collecting your names, numbers, and emails and add them to your CRM.
Get them off the paper, off the sticky notes or whatever, and BUILD that list.
That's where the value is!

You have to teach someone and if you're doing it yourself, you have to get good at...

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Blogging is not dead! amy magers blog Mar 16, 2021

I know we talked about blogging.
Blogging is another thing ...
I'm sure a lot of people don't like to hear about blogging because they're like, "Okay, 2016".

Blogging is not dead, it's just not, because it's another thing like YouTube that lives forever!

We refer to our blogs or we refer to...

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Money hacks: Percentage vs. actual amount blog paul halme Mar 02, 2021

Dealing with money can be hard.
I know this for a fact for myself.
I know it for a fact from clients.

If I tell you, "Hey, Moe, you got to move $2,000 out of your account every month."
You're going to be like, "Oh, that's a lot of money."
But if I tell you, "Hey, you're going to move 8% of...

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Setting goals and NOT hitting them? alan belcher blog Feb 22, 2021

Would you rather say you're going to sign up 30 students a month, but just hit 20,


would you rather say you're signing up 20 and actually hit 20?

That mentality may be *kind of* hard to understand…

I used to be like super go-getter (and I still am), and I found out there's always a...

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"You need six months of liquid money put away." blog paul halme Feb 16, 2021

The average financial advisor will tell you,

"you need six months of liquid money put away."

Because you do.

You need six months.

And everybody's like,

"Paul, I can't do six months. That's crazy!"

Your average school is going to have what, 10 to 20,000 in bills a month, plus your personal bills?

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The 50-50 Rule alan belcher blog Feb 10, 2021

Let's talk about your vision.

Sometimes you got this really big vision,
(and this is probably where you guys are at too, and all of us a little bit.)

You have a really big goal, but you don't have the clarity of the actual steps that you need to take to get there.

Monitoring progress, being able...

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“Don’t trust your gut.” amy magers blog Jan 28, 2021

A lot of people will say, "Oh, my gut says my gym's doing really well."
"My gut says my academy's growing."
Worse, here's my husband's move.
"My gut says our academy's doing terribly," because our guts lie to us all the time.

They lie to us constantly.
For a lot of these external types of...

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