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How do I get more Facebook leads with ads?

blog paul halme Oct 25, 2023
The biggest question I get is:
"How do I get more Facebook leads with ads?"
The answer is: DON'T DO IT!
I know that sounds really dumb knowing that I've run millions of dollars in ads myself...
If you are only running ads in cold traffic, you need to have a big budget.
Ad costs could get as high as $20, $30, $40 a lead or more. 😱
What you need to have instead is good, organic content.
Amplify that content, then run ads to your warm traffic.
When was the last time you clicked on something that cost over 150 bucks a month on Facebook and bought it cold?
Uhhhmmm, Never???
So  think about your perfect customer.
What are they doing?
Let's say Tom's your perfect customer.
He's at home.
He's 35 years old.
He's bored.
He's scrolling through Facebook and he sees your ad for the first time.
Im pretty sure he's not going to join your gym (yet), but he might see something interesting.
"Oh, that's kind of funny. I like that. Yeah, I'm going to like that page. Oh, okay, cool."
A week later he sees your ad again:
"Oh, hey, they're doing a free trial. Actually I should try that. Err, maybe later."
Another week goes by. He sees another ad from you and he's most likely going to say,
"Man, all right, I'm really going to do it. I'm going to go in and check out this gym."
Try to relate...
Have you ever made a new purchase from an unknown brand, until you were influenced by it or at least made a connection to it somehow?
Having consistent and good organic content, building awareness and creating real engagement should be first!
Don't just run to cold traffic.
Get your brand out there and warm up your traffic.
Get in front of your perfect customer, and that's how you're going to nail it.
I talked about this on my Instagram, too.
Watch it here ↓
If you’re needing help with your marketing and sales, click this link
or email me at [email protected].
I’m here to help out. 


Paul Halme | Combat Business