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What You Should Talk About On A Live Video- Facebook/Instagram Marketing

alan belcher blog Jul 16, 2019

Hey! What's up? I'm about to show you guys a explain to you what you should do whenever you do a live video on Facebook or Instagram? I get this question all the time and I'm going to break it down for you because this is probably one of the biggest problems that I can help people solve whenever they're trying to make more money with social media.

Alright, you want me to create content on social media but I don't know where to start, I don't know what I am talking about.  That's what I'm going over with you today in this video. 

I've been teaching strategic social media influence for awhile. what is strategic social media influence? it is the strategic way to figure out what you should talk about in your content so it is literally what I teach is what you should talk about in your live videos, your Instagram, Facebook lives, your Facebook post, your blog, post your emails, all that I follow a specific strategy.

Those of you that have been wondering when someone gonna come along and help you with your social media, run your ads, run your account for you, that's me, that's what I do. I own a company called Undisputed Marketer, we help people grow their social media, grow their Instagram like crazy, we manage their Instagram and Facebook. One of the best things that we are good is running  Instagram, Facebook, Youtube Ads and doing digital advertising. 

So, what you should talk about in doing live videos? 

The first thing you need to think about is back to basics, back to the core. When you ask yourself, what should I talk about in my live video? I'm supposed to make a video for my Instagram, for my TV. It's very easy, it doesn't matter what platform it is. If you're trying to attract someone to buy something from you. If you're trying to get someone to get closer in your funnel, you should ask yourself this one question "What is the main problem that I solve for my perfect audience?"

Some people call it a perfect audience, some people call it a perfect customer, some people call it an Avatar. Before I give you some example, I want you to tell me, "Who is your perfect customer and what is the main problem that you solve for them?" Doing this work with me right now will help you understand how to create content. 

For me, my perfect customer is you. You're a network marketer, you are a small business owner, you're an entrepreneur, et cetera. All those things that I just named to me are business owners or entrepreneur. That's who I'm looking for. The age that I usually work with is somewhere between 25-35, but I have clients that are in their 50s and 60s but mainly I speak at my age or younger. So my range is between 35-45 men/ women. So, I am explaining to you what my avatar is.

A lot of times people won't be talking about this stuff. They give you a lot of fluff and a lot of hype and what I do differently is I show you exactly how I am creating a company and how I took it to write a multi-million in one year or how I say me and my partner, Paul, and Amy, we made to create a company called Combat Business, we branched off and created an agency called Undisputed Marketer and last year we basically went from zero to two million. I am showing exactly how to do that.

The first thing you have to do is create your avatar and I'll ask myself what problem do I solve. One of the biggest problems that I solved for teaching someone strategic social influence which is what I do when I coach someone, I teach them social media.   

The problem I solved is, I show them what they should be talking about when they do their videos. The problem is I don't know what to talk about, what should I talk about on my live videos, just like my headlines say. That's the problem that I solved.

I'm doing a free live video on my Facebook page explaining what you should talk on my live video. So, I'm solving the main problem that I charge for and I'm solving it for free on Facebook. I know it seems kind of backward that why are you giving that way because there's so much more that goes into even though I'm solving the problem for you guys. You're also may want more custom consultation with me, more advice about that, you may want my complete plan. 

You might want me to help you build the entire plan for this. You may want me to help you build a funnel which means you know once you get them on social media, how do you find them and get a sale. There are so many different things that you can do, you may wanna hire me and my team to run your ads for you. You may want to hire my account managers to run social media. 

The main problem that you solve for someone is to find more time, be more productive or focus on their business and let someone else focus on those kinds of stuff. Whatever it is, that is what we're gonna talk about. 

People are asking how do you start your business? This is where it starts. You have to start with a vision of who you're gonna serve and what problem you're gonna solve for them. 

I' ll give an example, let's say your perfect client is someone that is looking for a date, maybe there is a man and they want to get a girlfriend, a wife or vise Versa a wife looking for a husband, maybe that's what you help people with dating. The problem is they can't find a perfect person, they can't find the perfect person, they don't know how to attract that person, so if that's what you sell, maybe you have a course on how to do that or maybe you do coaching or consulting on how to get help people right. Then, what you would do on your Facebook live video is very simple, you would solve the problem for them.  

If you figure out this first part your whole business can explode, and your social media will work perfectly. You have to figure out what the problem is. They want something. Whats's the problem? That's what you have to focus on, don't focus on the benefits and this is where I teach a little backward. 

A lot of people will tell you to focus on the benefits or the features of your business and why it's great or whatever but either way, I teach with strategical social influence it's focusing on them. 

If you wanna influence someone the best way is to focus on that. From the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", one of the first rules is to focus on the person, call them by their name, find out what their wants, needs, desires and find out what their problems are and try to help them solve their problem. If you wanna influence someone you should take someone from pains to glory, think about the pain.

I have had a very successful kickboxing business and fitness. I've been in this game for a long time. I take someone from pain to glory. I can create content about selling Iphones, maybe furniture, countertops or kitchen appliances, whatever it is, I'm gonna think about first what is the problem that people have? The pain they have. How do I take them from pain to glory and then that's what I'm gonna make a video on, simple as that. 

After this video I know I can get clients, maybe not all of you, maybe a very small percentage but this video will get me clients because I continue to help you more after this video. 

If you wanna get more customers with using strategic social influence from me to coach you on that strategy or if you just want my team to run your ads, your social media, then please send me a message. I'll do it for all business. I can work with anyone, Undisputed Marketer. We're now working with celebrities, we're working with huge brands, Instagram accounts with over a million followers. 

If you want me to grow your Instagram, I can do that as well. Hit me up if you need my help. Thank you very much. 

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